Red Oak Primary School, Lowestoft

The Safeguarding Officer at Red Oak Primary school is using Learn with Alex and Anna books with vulnerable children and parents.

Penny Reeve, says, “My role is to work with parents at an early stage, in order to help them with challenges they may be facing. However, in order to really help the most important people – the children – I also have a pastoral role in school, providing a ‘listening ear.'” 

Penny runs two school clubs, one specifically for girls. “The girls are very interested in all kinds of things, and I can see where we will be able to use some of the themes [of Learn with Alex and Anna books] relating to our activities. My other club is the school Newspaper where one of the members is writing about Earth Day. I will share, ‘Ann the Bumblebee’ and, ‘Alex and Anna’s Acorn Helps the World’ with her.”

Penny is leaving notes for teachers to use the books in particular theme study.